A photocast with friends!
3 months ago

3x2 Photocast - Episode 08


Hello everyone and welcome Back to the 3 by 2 photocast. Great to have you back for November. It's that time of year, as everyone knows. It's the end of the year. It's holidays, it's vacations, it's travel, sometimes all three at once. Given this busy time of year, sadly we are going to be missing Martin today. So for November, it's just going to be me. Jason. I suppose that just being me now, the three by two format would really be, I guess, three by one. So the three by one photo cast. But that seems like a really awkward aspect ratio. So I think I'm going to go ahead and change things up for November and call this the one by one photo cast. And because of that, I will share only one photo. And because it is the one by one photo cast, I will pick a photo that is square in the 11 aspect ratio. Okay. So as always in the show notes you'll find the link to the photo and this time what I'm picking is coming. It's coming from glass. So this one's from Sam Heard it is titled Fall is Coming. And this was taken with a Hasselblad 907X and a CFE 250C. So medium format. I don't think we've done a lot of medium format so far and they're, they're quite interesting. So right out of the gate, if you're looking at this, you're probably mesmerized. It is nothing short of incredible. It is again, it is square, as noted by the one by one photo cast this month. And there's just this incredibly harsh contrast black and white photo, just so dark. It is of a tree. It looks as though I'm going to assume given the rest of the photo that we are moving in some kind of train car, something. We are moving from left to right and we have a delayed shutter on this one. It looks like about one second and there is a single tree all by itself out in the middle of a field. And because of, I believe a combination of the fact that we have the leaf shutter, we have the medium format frame and we have this movement that we have this just surreal dreamlike feeling of the tree being still on the right side of the frame and stretching outwards towards the left, as though I feel like what I'm looking at is effectively it's a time in life being frozen or paused and then we are smearing it out towards the left in the sense that you would think it would be a wide frame, but it's all condensed into the square. And even the detail of the branches. It looks like, you know, you almost have electricity or lightning kind of coming out from the middle of the tree out towards the end. And then once you reach the end, it is just this soft feather like look of the end of those branches. And then all around it because of that crazy contrast. It almost looks like you have a painting around it to where the white and the dark gray or black sort of bleed together in this paint stroke look. And it looks like it's going in all directions as well, which is really cool. It's not like it's just left to right or up and down, but it follows the frame around this tree and there's nothing else. There is very little in the foreground. There is maybe, maybe that's another piece of a road or just more of the field, but the whole field is just empty. You have this one tree and then maybe it could be a rock out there next to it in the left. And even the tree. Tree's trunk is cool. It's not just sort of a standard up and down trunk, which maybe it was. And this is part of that effect of the movement and the way that this was taken, where the tree trunk has this sort of unnatural shape and curvature to it as well. Going up to the. Again the right side of the tree, totally normal. And then everything to the left is just pulled out towards the left. Just a really interesting and incredible spectacle that you want to just look at. And even if you go top to bottom, the top, you still have much of the detail of the branches reaching out towards that feathery edge. Then as you get down towards the bottom of it, it's much more. It looks like water flowing almost out towards the left. So just a really amazing image. Something that I would expect to see in a really cool like out of this world kind of gallery or in some kind of movie scene where reality starts to distort for somebody and this is sort of the thing that they are seeing that no one else can see. Yeah, really cool. So definitely look at this one and be prepared to just be astonished and amazed. And I think also Sam has some others that are sort of in a similar type of series. So I would definitely recommend going and looking at the rest of those as well. With that, I will say happy holidays to everybody. Happy end of the year. Martin will be back, don't worry. And we'll be back from one by one to three by two once again. And we look forward to talking to you about six photos next month. Thanks, everybody, and we'll see you later.

Jason’s Photo Pick

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